Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Because I knew you..."


            When I first thought about going through rush… recruitment… I didn’t know if it was really for me.  But as I prayed more about the decision I really felt led to go through recruitment. I knew at the very least I would make a few friends. However, I had no idea the impact that you all would have on my life.
            I can look back on all of the times we have had together and I can’t help but smile. I can’t think of another pledge class who cared for each other, who liked to have more fun, or who loved spending time together more than we did. There was never a moment I felt left out or not accepted. It wasn’t until I met all of you that I felt so comfortable in who I was. I laugh more since having met all of you.
            I know this letter isn’t very long or super mushy (thank goodness) but I do want you all to know that I have learned something from each one of you. I have learned humility from Lesley, confidence from Holly, sarcasm from BMO, and how to live a passionate life from Aszia. Bullard and Kadee make me laugh harder than almost anyone. I loved living with the Annex girls and shooting things with nerf guns. I loved living with Pate and Noordyke (in the same semester!!) because they taught me not to take things so seriously. Bailey can make stupid things funnier than anybody else I know. And seriously, the list goes on and on. I look at who I am today and I know that you all had a big part in it.
 It was a difficult for me to make the decision to student teach abroad this last semester in college. I remember asking myself “Why would I leave these girls?” But I knew that ultimately you would all be behind me and support me in all of this. And I will be honest, there have been many times when I have looked at your pictures from Vegas and Luau and I get sad that I missed making these memories with all of you. And as cheesy as it is, I have been listening to “Never Alone” over and over and the line that keeps making me cry (seriously) is “and wherever you fly, this isn’t goodbye”.
I love you girls so much. I cannot imagine being in any other sorority or any other pledge class. You are all so beautiful and I am honored to know each and every one of you. We Rock!

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